Just like a ship has an enormous engine to run through the ocean, or just like a city has a power plant where it receives its power from, we have the Central nervous system. The central nervous system is our power plant that gives us energy, or the engine that keeps us alive and going in a mental and physical way. Here is a brief expanation of some of the anatomy of the CNS.
The two main organs in the CNS are the brain and the spinal chord. It is the processing site of the nervous system and is responsible for integrating sensory information and responding accordingly.
In the central nervous system, there is a system of hollow cavities that we call ventricles. The network of linked cavities in the brain is continuous with the central canal of the spinal chord. These ventricles are filled with cerebrospinal fluid which help to protect the brain and the spinal chord from any lesions or trauma and also helps with the circulation of nutrients to the brain.
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